Vienna Ha 夏宛君

國際認證行為分析師 (BCBA)
心理學碩士 (應用行為分析)
文學榮譽文學士 (主修音樂, 副修心理學)
夏宛君擁有25年的特殊教育經驗,考獲國際認證助理行為分析師(BCBA)。曾於一間中度智障兒童學校服務了7年,並參與制定『延伸課程』,深徹明白及了解「家長教育」及「切合兒童學習需要」是特殊教育的兩大要點。她所用的訓練方法是「行為分析及音樂訓練」,是以應用行為分析 (Applied Behavior Analysis - ABA)教學理念為基礎,再加入音樂活動,為患有不同程度自閉症、智障及讀寫困難的兒童作個別及小組的訓練,並協助培訓家長及員工對於特殊教育的認知和應用。另外,夏小姐曾協助製訂『音樂如何幫助讀寫困難』課程,亦會定期舉辦『ABA訓練工作坊』及『音樂與讀寫困難』的講座。
國際認證行為分析師 (BCBA)
美國凱佩拉大學 - 心理學碩士 (應用行為分析)
香港中文大學 - 心理學深造文憑
香港中文大學 - 文學榮譽文學士 (主修音樂, 副修心理學)
香港大學 - 特殊教育文憑
彭氏音樂治療中心 - 音樂治療專業證書 (特殊需要兒童)
2018-現在, Vienna Hacademy - 創辦人
2006-2018, 彭氏音樂治療訓練中心 - 監督
1999-2006, 保良局余李慕芬紀念學校 - 老師
香港節日管樂團敲擊樂團隊領導 (2006-2012)
香港節日管樂團敲擊樂團員 (1998-2006)
Vienna Ha
Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)
Master in Psychology (Applied Behaviour Analysis)
B.A. in Music (minor Psychology)
Vienna has more than 20 years of special education experience, and is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). She has served in a moderate-grade mentally handicapped special school for 7 years and participated in the development of an "Extension Program". She thoroughly understands and realizes that "parent education" and "meeting children's learning needs" are the two main aspects/areas of special education. The training method that Vienna adopts is "ABAM - ABA & Music Training", it is primarily based on the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) teaching strategies, combining different musical elements into the individual and group training, for children with different degrees in autism, mental retardation or dyslexia.
Moreover, she will also help in providing training for parents and instructors on knowledge and applications in special education. In addition, Vienna has also assisted in the development of a “How Music Helps Children with Dyslexic ” course. She also holds lectures regularly on “ABA Training Workshops” and “Music and Dyslexia”.
While attending the university, Vienna has decided to dedicate herself to special education after graduation. Her style of training is to provide and enable children to learn happily through the understanding of each child's own ability and needs, to enhance their learning motivation through different music activities, to specifically train and help children to overcome their weaknesses as well as to consolidate their strengths such that they will enjoy the learning process and results, thereby reducing the pressure on parents.
Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) - Behavior Analyst Certification Board
Master in Psychology (Applied Behavior Analysis) - Capella University
Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology - The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Arts in Music (minor Psychology) - The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Special Education) - The University of Hong Kong
Professional Certificate in Music Therapy (Children with Special Needs) - Pang’s Music Therapy Centre
Working Experiences:
2018-Present, Vienna Hacademy - Founder
2006-2018, Pang's Music Therapy Centre - Supervisor
1999-2006, PLK Yu Lee Mo Fan Memorial School - Teacher
Other Related Information:
Graduate member in The Hong Kong Psychological Society
ABRSM Grade 8 Piano Certificate
ABRSM Grade 8 Percussion Certificate
ABRSM Grade 8 Theory Certificate
ABRSM Grade 5 Saxophone
Festival Wind Orchestra Percussion Section Leader (2006-2012)
Festival Wind Orchestra Percussion Member (1998-2006)