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音樂治療 Music Therapy

音樂本身的好處多不勝數,特別是提供一個輕鬆愉快的學習環境, 讓孩子可以在一個沒有壓力的環境下學習。而這個訓練技巧是透過不同的音樂活動,針對性訓練有不同特殊需要兒童的能力。


  1. 言語: 發音、口腔肌肉活動、語前能力、聲線運用、語言理解及表達

  2. 認知: 學前概念、視覺 / 聽覺專注、邏輯思考

  3. 肌能: 大小肌肉、手眼動作協調、視覺感知

  4. 社交 / 情緒: 模仿學習、遊戲技巧、提升自信及自我形像、情緒表達及控制

  5. 音樂: 唱歌、節奏訓練、律動跳舞、樂器彈奏

Music itself has numerous benefits, it provides a happy environment and let the children learn without any stress. This training combines different musical elements into the training, for children with different degrees in autism, mental retardation or dyslexia.

Training includes:

  1. Speech - Speech stimulation, articulation/intonation, interpreting and communication

  2. Cognitive - pre-school concepts, attention, logical thinking

  3. Motor Skills - sensory integrative function, gross and fine motor skills

  4. Social/Emotional - observational learning, game skills/rules, social communication

  5. Music - singing, rhythm, dancing, instrument playing

Playing Guitar
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